About me

Who is this man?

My name is Victor.
Born and raised in the Netherlands also known as the land of Watersports. And the place where I started my watersports journey back in 2009.
Overall these years I developed a passion for the sport and although I love to kite for myself I even love it more to share the water with others! And that is why after 10 years of teaching in schools I started to coach people all over the world because riders can always have a helping hand. to help them further in their progression.
And over the last 3 years that I do this now, I saw only great results by the riders! So wanted to put this passion up to the next level.

So take a look around.



Cape Town




These are the 3 Languages I speak fluently


Ook al heb ik de helft van mijn leven in het buitenland gewoond blijft nederlands toch echt mijn moeder taal


After all these years abroad it became a second nature to speak and even dream in  English


Im kitesurfen ist deutsch fast eine weltsprache egal wohin du kommst es gibt immer eine nette gruppe von deutschsprachigen und deshalb habe ich gelernt diese sprache fließend zu sprechen

Contact me for more info


Rated 5.0 out of 5
5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 8 reviews)

Super leerzame sessies gehad!

Rated 5.0 out of 5

Victor heeft me veel tips gegeven om een betere kiter te worden. Ik kwam bij hem voor de loops maar hij werkt ook met je aan het steeds weer verbeteren van vele onderdelen van het kiten inclusief tricks en houding. Dus superleuke sessies met hem al gehad!


Great advice and huge progress

Rated 5.0 out of 5

I had 3 coachings in Greece with Victor to improve my jumping skills and learn how to do my first kiteloops in a safe way. On day 1 I couldn’t even jump higher than 4m while on day 3 I managed to land 10m+ jumps and my first small kiteloops. The progress was insane!!!

Vic has the experience to see small as well as big mistakes and gives always the right advice. You can literally feel he has been through all the mistakes himself and that’s why he knows best on how to improve.

I can recommend Vic as a coach if you want to boost your kite skills no matter what your level is. Try it out, you will definitely not regret! 🙂

Stefan Rätsch